Hope Endures by Loving People (H.E.L.P.)
This will soon be a page representing all the Christian ministries we assist whether it be with food, clothes, or finances - you will soon be able to donate to any of these minsitries via Los Elegidos, and we in turn will deliver the blessings to those ministries as we have been doing for a number of years - every ministry we are involved with always has a HUGE need, primarily food and clothing - please prayerfully consider helping our brothers and sisters in the Lord out - God loves the cheerful giver.
My Story
How the ministry H.E.L.P. (Hope Endures by Loving People) came into existence - soon to follow....
We are always looking for partners when it comes to blessing other ministries here in the Ensenada area - please let us know how you can help out, and we will be glad to relay the blessings!
Email us: grap77@gmail.com
Call us : 805-815-6511